
I have never noticed the scars. Maybe if you REALLY REALLY look for them you will see them.

exactly. Probst did a 20 min interview with katie couric on friday and explains all of the behind the scenes. They didn’t push any of it

yeah I guess. They kept showing personals of Zeke talking about how he felt so connected and liked Varner. That’s why I guessed he had maybe told him. Interesting.

interesting. I guess I never looked at his chest or noticed any scars. Was just guessing.

There’s no way that was going to get cut. That’s the thing with survivor is that everything is actually happening. It would be inauthentic to not include it. Zeke said he was aware from the beginning that it could come out, and CBS also knew from the beginning. zeke is an ultimate survivor, and I doubt he wanted

in Zeke’s essay he explains how him and varner connected personally and started sharing stories about varner being gay and growing up, etc etc. I’m sure with the personal trust built up it was during their deep convos.

I found out through testing at my cardiologist that I carry the APOE4 gene(increased heart disease, much higher risk of Alzheimer’s.) As someone who has had 4-5 concussions over my life, it’s incredibly scary. But, it has also made me change my lifestyle. I will say it has dramatically increased my anxiety-but all

I work as a physical therapist on the southside of chicago in a mostly medicaid hospital because they are non profit(501c3). I have 5.5 years left on my federal loans(149k), and $51k left on private loans. I’ve paid close to $900/month for the last 4.5 years towards IBR old(15% not 10%). Every financial decision

I worked a concert of his when I was in college. Great fucking performer.

So now every American >65 years old is going to get call after call after call trying to scam them. This might be generalizing, but I have a better chance of knowing I don’t owe the IRS than my 85 year old Grandma with a USPS pension living in a town of 400 with an 8th grade education.

I’m all for single payer, but if they did insist on the “marketplace”, wouldn’t a public option(medicare or medicaid) drive down prices and stabilize the market? I mean, neither reimburses particularly well.

I just checked on GoodRx and holy shit Latuda is expensive! As someone who has bounced around multiple antidepressants(all generic) trying to find what works, I feel for you.

I thought the Flagrant on Karnowski was a huge turning point because it gave him his 4th foul. Totally took him out of the game. He did not shoot well himself, but when he was on the floor Gonzaga played 10x better. Also a horrible bullshit call.

true. aint nobody need raisins anyway

the Tempting trail mix is insanely delicious.

maybe the fbi wiretapped manaforts apartment...

why didn’t you eat anything at the airport?

I got a vacuum sealer at Aldi for $10 on clearance!

thanks for clarifying. I guess I was stuck thinking in the 25-50 age group that aren’t in those positions. Yeah acorns might definitely be good for those people, but If someone already has ample retirement funds, I feel like they have the discipline to just send over $100/month into a fund. Either way, whatever

Why would anyone use Acorns to invest money with after tax money from their bank account when you could open a Roth IRA instead and put in recurring investments in small increments? I closed my Acorns account yesterday when I realized this, and while I make too much money to qualify for a Roth, I’m just going to