
It’s important to set boundaries. When you consistently say yes to everything, you lose your voice. We have struggled with this with my wife and her work/family/basically everything and it has decreased her stress(and subsequently mine) tremendously.

Ehh. Just depends what you are looking for and where you live.

double check and see if the parent plus is eligible...

yeah but the ABA in not a 501c3, it’s a 501c6. Big difference.

Still holding out hope for a last minute commutation of my student loans...

just double checked. my employer offers 401k and I make over the threshold so it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me unless I’ve already maxed everything else out, which I haven’t.

unless I misunderstand acorn. Will everything I put in there be tax deductible?

I stated to do Acorns and then realized it was all post tax money I was using but it is not a Roth and will be taxed like normal and Realized until I max that out there was no reason to do acorns.

I’m not going to follow this specific plan, but my wife and I had a post-holidays come to Jesus finance talk. Besides us bankrolling our own downtown Chicago wedding last year, she has been on a rampage with buying christmas gifts and a lot of completely unnecessary expenses-something her parents do and is the reason

The reviews on Amazon for that crock pot are horrible

The reviews on Amazon for that crock pot are horrible

On the week before thanksgiving he was on David Axelrod’s podcast. No matter what your politics are it was a great 80 minute listen.

La Granja 360. $6.99 at Trader Joe’s. You’re welcome.

Not a fan of Ramsey. He’s a little too Christian for me and exceptionally unrealistic for a large amount of people. It is not fundamentally bad to have loans or credit cards, and for those of us with large student loans living in bigger cities, is entirely unrealistic. BUT, if people are helped by him and his

A few years ago I visited my friend in Denver at a bar he was working at, specifically because Sisqo and Tone Loc were performing that night in concert. We got hammered, watched the show, and then-since my buddy worked at the bar, we were able to go backstage afterwards for a meet and greet kind of thing. After

I paid off $30k in loans in my 1 year living in Phx. Made about $75k but it was July-July out of grad school so my first year of taxes I got all back. Phx is so cheap to live in. And then I moved to Chicago...

not surprising with Halloween, Cubs world Series, and the election..and the fact that the show gets more and more boring.

We really like Winking Owl and Flirty Bird from Aldi(2.99 and 3.99, respectively). Much better than 3buck chuck, especially the flirty bird.

Why is everyone fully dressed while sleeping? Like fully dressed.

I had 4 donuts before 11am and pizza at I’m stable right now

He’s legit inspiring and just a reasonable dude.