
good for you, seriously. I would eventually like to buy up in Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, Mayfair, Andersonville, etc etc. That where all of my friends are buying. I like the city, but grew up downstate so I could literally be happy in the suburbs or the city.

I think it would be fair to say that 1016 a month on a 2br mortgage is not typical. We pay 2000 for a 1br condo on north side and are thrilled just to have a dishwasher.

Great brewery!

A lot of what get’s forgiven is just the extraordinarily high interest, especially with higher income people like myself. I owed 149k in Federal consolidated at 7.25%, and at 10 years(6 years from now), I will have paid $141K, with “$102k in forgiveness”. So essentially the government gave me a $800 tax credit and a

Sweet onions are tasty, even Raw.

Exactly. You can be completely frozen out of a lot of social events or your kids as well. In Chicago nobody gives a Arkansas I don’t see me or my future family flourishing. Even as a healthcare professional(PT) in a small town, if you say the things I say in Chicago you would go out of business pretty

A missed field goal gave us one of the greatest soundbites of all time.

ummm. Devil’s advocate. While I don’t condone the cheating, most of the essays and group projects and all that are complete and utter bullshit busy work that the accreditation bodies require for some reason. I’m a PT and we had plenty of those in school-they aren’t really that big of a deal. Healthcare professionals

we have been to 24 weddings in the last 3 years and not once have we heard “you are the best thing”, not even during the actual everyone dance part. We were planning on having that as our first dance song in September. Ahh fuck it, I love that song.

yep. I like to get a $2 magnet from everywhere I go and put it on the fridge. brightens my day and reminds me of the trip everytime i walk by

ooof. Seeing other videos of families kneeling in the duty free shops it makes me think of talking on google hangouts with my Fiance from the duty free shop while devouring 3 simits(kind of like bagels) after my 14 hour flight.

The american airlines track your bags part of their app was great this past weekend, when we got rerouted from honolulu and our bags were on a plane with an engine failure. When we got back to chicago we could see exactly when our bags would arrive.

By far this will be song of the summer.

This happened to me. A drunk trailblazer rear ended me at a stop light in October. Got a concussion and had Physical therapy and neuro consults and everything for a few months and got back to where i could do things without dizziness or nausea....but the word finding is the worst. Sometimes it takes me 5 seconds to

just did that a few weeks ago. It was AMAZING!

they are at trader joe’s too. 2 packs for 2.99 here in chicago

This is how our 200 person wedding spiraled to $57k. Deposits already down for different things. It will exhaust everything and more. Hopefully we get enough money gifts to have >$1000 in our bank accounts(with credit card paid off that we have to use for some things for the wedding) after the wedding. We realize it’s

you can buy pouches of the low fat soft noodles at costco-just have to heat em. Like 5 serving bags for 5.99