
As a Cardinals fan since i was 5, who now lives in Chicago a mile from Wrigley and is engaged to a Cubs fan....this is great. I will always be a Cards fan, but the next decade should teach the rest of the fanbase some goddamn humility. Plus Chicago is Awesome when the Cubs are winning.

Last year was the first Thanksgiving at my Fiance’s parent’s house I had been too. Her dad drank steadily all day, but around 3pm he went to the neighbor’s house(I went with) and he proceeded to get absolutely shit hammered on Armagnac. He fell down the stairs leaving, had to be restrained from the very hot grill(he

I think it all just depends on where you work, what kind of work you do, and what kind of city/commute you work in.

The cardinals aren’t exactly mashers like the cubs.

yeah It was gusting 30-35 with sustained 20. schwarber’s doesn’t go out normally. Rizzo’s lands about 5th row normally. Did anybody see that lazy popup to RF that was caught at the warning track? Also, the Cards players aren’t really known for mashing. These cubs are strikeout or homer, and against shitty Cardinals

What about Spanish/Arabic/Chinese speakers learning English?

Wishing I lived in MN right now as I plan our wedding. $30! More like $150/person in Chicago

So with the backdoor IRA, am I allowed to have a 401k with my work? I have read so many articles about the backdoor IRA and it just confuses the hell out of me.

Yes. My Italian future MIL takes it to the extreme.

Weren’t they just kind of ragging on her because she showed up for the Talent portion and just talked about how she treats patients. Other people are doing “talents” for the “talent show”. WTF is that about.

Trader Joe’s blue hydrangeas for $5.99.

Trader Joe’s Hydrangeas!

Same boat. Never a doubt haha.

With my Fiance this has happened every single time. It is not urine. We wash sheets all the time. At the beginning of our relationship she was surprised that it didn’t bother me(it had with her Ex). I was like hell no, this is physiological proof of orgasm. Very reassuring.

I had mine tested and it was super low. Got the kirkland costco brand 2000iu. super tiny pills. I take 2 a day and my numbers were up to normal (like tripled) in 8 weeks. I def. feel better.

Miller Lite is infinitely better than High Life.

I used to love Oberon. Now I drink it occasionally and only 1-2. Wrecks the stomach

My fiancee and I watched that full piece last night. It was hard to watch, but really eye opening for those of us who aren’t into boxing/mma, etc. Great reporting. Unfortunately it was followed by a fluff piece on trophies by Bernie that I thought was going to venture into one of his Oreilly foxnews pieces about

yeah they went over that in the full piece. She said he really did do it, but threatened her to speak out on twitter that it was a joke