
Yeah...I prolly will come back just in time for our deep, but ultimately futile playoff run

The worst part about baseball starting again is the constant Cardinal trolling by deadspin. See ya in November.

Seriously? It's made for the US. That's like saying "how much has the german station focused on the German team?". Most of these sports the average fan doesn't give a shit about, but they want to see their people, Americans, win. It's like curling. Goddamnit I know nothing about it and will forget about it for

completely agree. Great player, BIG PUMA, but not HOF

What, no love for a 3wiseman or 4 horseman?

good point. I guess I could pull a Bill Gates and try to end World poverty and epidemics.

why not choose A and B?

My friend and his now wife had to take these classes(catholic pre-marriage). They dated for 9 years before they got married and were in the class with people who had dated for 2 years. Pretty much he said it was the largest waste of time ever.

or threat-level midnight(a la michael scott)

"Let's say you're mega rich and you buy a NFL team. So rich that you pay for the team in cash. "

or pulls 5 sets of dumbbells and puts them on the floor around the bench.


The only time I give people dirty looks at the gym is if they sweat all over the machine and then not wipe it off. That drives me fucking bonkers

So drop by the fucking bank and make a withdrawal in person. Jesus christ it's not that hard.

Amen man. A-fucking-men.

The Chosen Ones by Tony Meale. Book about HS team that beat LeBron.


It's like DUI capital of the world. When I lived there, cops every 2 or 3 blocks, tons of checkpoints, etc. One lady actually got a DUI(since found innocent) for being the sober driver because they thought she was acting funny.

mind blown.