Counterpoint: I find the man delightful.
Counterpoint: I find the man delightful.
You seen his actual standup?
The mask goes over your mouth, not your eyes.
“Listen, don’t mention the culture war! I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right.”
Eventually, it gets hard not to notice that pretty much everyone who has actually accomplished something is on one side of these kinds of arguments (anti cancel culture, hysterical wokeness is embarrassing and counterproductive) while the other side is, well, the kind of people who write for the AV Club, Jezebel, etc.
So “John Cleese hopes trans people are happy and that people could treat them kindly” could have also been the headline. And yet.
“Good morning, is this the right room for some perspective?”
“SHUT YOUR FESTERING GOB, YOU TIT! You’re just an asshole who wants to continue being an asshole by passing it off as some kind of noble crusade! Your type makes me want to puke, you stuffy-nosed, vacuous, malodorous PERVERT . . .”
“I came here for some…
Very old British white guy who used to black it up in his movies has terrible opinions, is even less so.
The topic is transitioning away from trans persons per se and it is moving on to the wider topic of ‘activist bullying’ which has become so abusive that its becoming counterproductive to their respective causes. This Barstani article in particular is an example.
And just you, too. It’s eerily specific.
I move for a bad court thingy!
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
I’ll never understand what women see in Pete Davidson. He’s certainly not talented or good looking, and by many accounts just a annoying douche...wait, I think I answered by own question.
Baldwin may be a douche, but this seems to me like an overreaction to me.
It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.
*huge manatee