
That’s not what The Bear is about.

He's a real dean-va!

*You don’t actually need us to say who this footnote is about, yeah?

I’m the bad guy, I am clearly evil, but I am going to wait for more corroboration on this. I also don’t know why people are exaggerating that the nanny was 40 years younger than him or 1/3 of his age...he wasn’t 60 then? If your nanny wants to fuck you fuck your nanny: consensually and without cheating or deception!

What? You don’t cuddle with your new nanny in the bath after hiring them?

Tortoise Media, which as I write this is the only source for this story, is a far right podcast strongly tied to Boris Johnson, and best known for screaming about trans people. Neil Gaiman has been hugely critical of Johnson ever since he came onto the public scene, and is currently doing multiple projects with strong

Yikes if true. I listened to the podcasts, they seem to be highly padded and most facts seem to be “corroborated” by third parties who were not present at the time of the accused actions. This outlet seems to specialize in very broad, thinly researched SA accusation serials. Believe victims but also, something smells

Plenty of people in open relationships don’t commit sexual assault.  Not saying Gaiman is innocent but it’s this sorta attitude that gets innocent peoples railroaded as “sexual deviants”. 

Scarlett alleges that Gaiman assaulted her within hours of their meeting in his New Zealand residence in February 2022, when she was hired as a nanny for his child. The two apparently shared a bath where, according to Gaiman, they only “cuddled” and “made out” with consent.”

Up in heaven, he just made Jessica Walters squeal again.

Whenever I see a story like this I’m just so grateful I managed to quit driving. 

I think we all know there was only one truly messy part of the Watchmen tv show...

What could be more timely than a June 2024 post resuscitating a niche cultural debate from 2015 about a 1949 Christmas song?

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”’

But which one zooms in and which one enhances?

I do remember that! Which is probably why the article (and the interview it’s skimming content from) also goes over it.

He also confirms that he does get Tom Cruise’s famous Christmas coconut cake. “It’s so good. It makes me believe in a lot of things.”

While some on Twitter/X speculated that Taylor-Joy could be hinting that director George Miller was creepy or inappropriate in some way, she was very effusive toward him in the interview.