
Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches had bellies with stars. The Plain-Belly Sneetches had none upon thars. Those stars weren’t so big. They were really so small. You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all.

Both sides of the pond. Do you see what I did there, Bond? VERY British.

The post-episode tags were amazing.

“Here.  Retire very comfortably and keep your mouth shut."

I don’t get it. This is bound to tank at the box office. With studios lately shelving finished projects as somehow being more lucrative than actually releasing them, why pour more money down this drain?

Death of a Black Salesman.

In San Francisco in 1978, Eraserhead was a stoned midnight movie happening.  They'd round out the bill with Devo music videos for Secret Agent Man and Jocko Homo.

This show sounds exhausting.

The Dunk and Egg stories are pretty compact set up / punchline tales that really don't need expanding.  Maybe a three 90 minute episode season ala Sherlock?

Chris Pratt does not have "traditional good looks."

Why is the word "clamoring" italicized?  Am I missing a pun?

Doing your own vocals in a Tom Waites biopic.  Now that's ballsy.

He was the worst

Unfortunately Disney is forced to remove or alter certain things before they become pawns to support truly abhorrent behaviour and thinking. The right wing bro culture is constantly on the alert for examples of “liberal hypocrisy” to rationalize their racism and sexism. Course corrections along the way are (sadly)

A movie based on the same source material as a prior adaptation is not a remake.

I can picture him really nailing Rear Window.

Please, sir.  Can I have less?

Do you mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?