
Don’t get me started on Sambos.

The pushpin holding up the APR 14 sign is opaque, the other five are clear. I’ve done the legwork, you do the brain work.

Wonder Tot.

I’m not going to participate in pun threads gnome or.

Read that as “Jan was so hot and in season.” Tired old eyes. Dirty old man.

I know it was you Fredo. You broke my vagina.

Will we be discussing They Might Be Giants with George C. Scott?

Wait just a ding danged minute! Those arm bands...the crazy insignia...that psycho with the funny little moustache...WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??!!

The boy’s pay raise went up to ten. Millie Bobby Brown’s went up to eleven.

And my cousin Denise as Lashina. Just.....’cause.

I’ve adopted a winona rider which offers everyone involved in the production a five finger discount.

Pun threads are tiring. Think I’ll take a nappy.

Fish nuns fish nuns, roly poly fish nuns

Admit it. You’ve tried, “End program.”

“Just stand there and watch me while I make some batter.”

“I smuggled a bottle of whiskey in with a friend to shout Daniel Plainview quotes to an empty theater.”

I have the Jewel Knuckles and the Bastard Sword. Why would I want a gun?

What if we were able to implant the idea that he COULD carry a movie right in the very core of your subconscious?

Finally saw Call Me By Your Name last night making the first time ever I have seen all of the best picture nominees. I don’t think I was in a shitty mood and I found the picture to be plodding, sterile, static, and utterly un-engaging.

Are we Talkin’ Turtle or Blue Turtling?