

this is sooooooooooo stupid liike what the actual fuck ?

I think I had one of those. The 80's were a good time for hair accessories.

I've heard they are writing an algorithm to combat email pattern baldness, but to access it you will have to friend Rogaine on facebook and give it permissions to your personal data in order for it to work. I know some people working on a hack but it's a primitive mesh interface that is only effective at covering up

That reminds me of a brush that my family had in the 80s. The handle was hollow and had a spray pump at the end. You were supposed to fill it with hairspray or something. I'd forgotten all about it until now.

Tbh I don't care about much since I got my hairbrush flask.

Wait, if my hair unfollows me, what does that mean?

That explains your whole "singing into a hairbrush" thing.

I prefer my hairbrush flask, I use it and I don't care how I look in my selfies.

This company is also working on an accompanying scrunchy wearable that will live tweet updates of your hairs status.