Is it weird that I actually love Xenoblade X, despite its flaws?
Is it weird that I actually love Xenoblade X, despite its flaws?
Tell the fella who called me out on Twitter the other day for calling this an “ode to EarthBound.”
Loved, loved, loved what I played of Knuckle Sandwich at PAX. Great art style, great music, and a combat system reminiscent of EarthBound, Undertale, and even a little Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi.
Yaaaaaaas! Loved this little gem when I played it last year, too. Great taste, Ethan.
Played this back at PAX East 2019 and had a blast. Was a huge fan of Battle Network growing up, so I have high hopes for this one. Surprised it’s launching on Switch day and date with the PC version!
Phew... need to catch my breath there. What a trailer.
Thank you for this, Nathan. Excellent piece.
Because people have opinions that may differ from yours? Come on, let the people who enjoy Fortnite have their fun.
Great taste, Peter. I fell in love with this game about 10 years back. Always was a big noir/hardboiled fan, but Hotel Dusk really brought the fiction to life in a way I’d never seen before.
I know CrossCode, Wargroove, and the new SteamWorld game are bound to make most of the headlines this morning, but I wanted to make sure people don’t overlook the very last game mentioned on this list, Unruly Heroes.
It actually has nothing to do with temperature. 88Rising is a label focused primarily on Asian artists (Joji, Rich Brian, The Higher Brothers, to name a few) and the name is a reference to Chinese culture, with 88 being a symbol of fortune and good luck.
I definitely think you’re underestimating Nightmare Amalgam a tad. 3/4 is pretty solid in terms of vanilla stats (compare to Spider Tank from Goblins and Gnomes), and I think it’s actually a great addition to decks that could use synergy between two types at the same time. Dragon/Beast Hunter comes to mind… were saying?
Fastest pre-order I’ve ever placed for a book.
Just pointing our that you’ve got The Silver Case up there for both the 7th and the 14th!
Yeah, I post on GameFAQs every now and then, now that the GameTrailers site and forums are no more.
I mean, I donno man. On one hand, yes, sending out no review copies before release is disappointing, and puts more of a burden on review outlets like Kotaku.
Sounds like they should get that one-man Lost Soul Aside dev on the phone. Dude could probably finish the game faster than that entire development team.
No, I’m fully aware that it’s a PS2/GC game.
For those who haven’t had the pleasure of already doing so, I highly encourage you to play Beyond Good & Evil when it drops.