Talk is cheap.
Talk is cheap.
Only a POS RACIST like YOU would politicize the story of a little boy who has been victimized at school. This topic has NOTHING to do with the mother’s opinion of the flag. Go F yoyrself. Im sure if she supported the racist BLM group you’d be ok with that.
What percentage of the North Korean population has already died at the hands of and due to the rule of the Kim Dynasty?
...and this is of interest why? He posited a moral dilemma on twitter and gets shit for merely daring to ask the question? Man people have become so f’in sensitive lately!!
If someone has a real suggestion as to how to get NK to simmer down, without any loss of life, I’d love to hear it.
Otherwise, facing the reality that NK is going to kill some certain number of people at some certain point in the future requires us to decide whether those casualties are on our terms or on Kim Jong…
I mean.... it’s a valid question.
Why don’t you assume an institution should try to be perfect? They have a responsibility to their constituents to do the best job they can for the least cost. Anything else should be criminal. The level of “job” you think they should actually do, well that’s a matter for debate. But whether you think they should do…
Everyone making $5million will leave.
You are suggesting that someone making 5 million a year take home $500,000? Yeah, that’s crazy talk. Dial it back there, Marx
This is a bad take. Taking more money from the wealthy and giving it to the government isn’t going to make jobs pay more, make education cheaper, or make houses more affordable. (It also doesn’t work the other way... cutting taxes on the rich won’t increase wages either).
The problem is that so few Americans are versed in economics that the lie of trickle down policy seems every bit as plausible as reasonable tax policy to the average American. As I age, I’m finding it harder and harder to believe that the lust to cut education isn’t the ground floor plan to keeping the rich rich and…
Well, since nobody else is going to do it..
There’s only one piece of advice that people should offer at commencement addresses: Everybody is an idiot.
No, I get that, but he also provided context. He said that evidence collected over the years indicates that hits to the boards are not an accurate predictor of concussion risk. That’s a claim that may or may not be true- but going after his comments as being unbelievably stupid means that you not only think that the…
Dude has a great story. From sleeping in classrooms, to being raised by his grandma where at times he had no bed. All the best to him.
“Had he gone to one of my bogus charter schools, he would have learned civility, politeness, and how to make Gucci purse knock-offs in a basement sweatshop for my benefit.”
There’s nothing that can be done to fix things. This is a war that’s been waging, quietly or publicly at various times, throughout the region for over a thousand years. The US military stepped in shit and is just spreading it around. Anyone familiar with the state of affairs over there is fully aware of how…
It might have been nearly useless, but not nearly as useless as Obama’s red line.
Play stupid games [chemical attacks on civilians] win stupid prizes [getting your Ba’athist planes destroyed]