“You can’t genuinely believe the hoarding of wealth and capital by the rich is at the root of the problem and then constantly make financial moves that align you more with the rich than anyone else.”
“You can’t genuinely believe the hoarding of wealth and capital by the rich is at the root of the problem and then constantly make financial moves that align you more with the rich than anyone else.”
If you are an actual socialist it would be up to you to decide what is and isn't detrimental to your own goals, not people who want to feel better about themselves by "owning" you.
We have no idea if this guy is charitable or not. All we know is what he tells us and he gives millions during charity streams. He might fund food pantries anonymously all over the country for all we know. It's also possible he gives away half of his money or does nothing other than what he tells up. People just don't…
Problem is that a Camry cost upwards of $40,000 now. People making minimum wage aren't buying Camrys. Championing more taxes for the rich doesn't mean you just pay more than you owe to prove a point. The problem isn't people like him, it's the people born with a silver spoon and every advantage crying like they're the…
It isn’t the people who support changing the system getting mad. It’s conservatives attacking him saying “ha, we caught you.” You can only live under the rules that are in place and try to change them but at the moment he lives by the rules. Its fine to advocate stopping the burning of oil for electricity while using…
Not for nothing but you are the one who introduced me and probably most others to it referencing Hot D. I always just saw it as being the shows moniker. Far from the prude you are trying to represent. It wouldn't have crossed most people's mind.
The thing is that people are throwing a tantrum because the "big games" got delayed. All of the "updates" from people on twitter saying they canceled gamepass are just their way of crying to the world. These people most likely already cancel between games but want to show their anger. Nothing has changed and it's…
And the other half is people who call math, maths.
The term "intellectual property" deeply offends me. We aren't talking about a song or a poem, it's an artistic idea that has been improved on for decades. This is how art works. You don't own styles or ideas. You can't give ownership to anything "intellectual" unless you want nothing to be created ever again at some…
The whole point is the guy is a douche.
It’s not patronizing, it’s called empathy. Human beings have empathy and azzholez don’t. Don’t feel bad for feeling others pain, embrace it!