
Agreed. I got passed by Beth Rodden in Yosemite a month ago. She’s, well, very, very good. Did you see this year’s Reel Rock? Two of the four films focus on women climbers. I came out of it with a slight crush on Margo Hayes.

5.15b is unbelievably, mind-blowingly hard. It’s basically climbing an inverted wall on a sparse assortment of jelly bean-sized holds.

Ted Danson has spent his life in the spotlight and has generally been an excellent and decent person. Do you really think he deserves eternal condemnation for a single, questionable decision 25 years ago?

Now playing

Ray Knight is a former boxer and, at least in his day, was not someone to trifle with.

Serious question: Does any NBA player ever try to bank a 3-pointer? My guess is no and thus any banked-3 is a lucky miss, right?

I agree. I remember him from Volcano. I can recall almost nothing else about the movie (something about a Volcano in LA?), but I remember him dying heroically in a subway scene. Somehow, he stood out in a bit part in an otherwise crappy and totally unremarkable disaster movie.

I took a first date to see The Piano when I was 17. Haunted by Sam Neil’s meanness and Harvey Keitel’s penis, I did not score in the back of my mom’s Volvo that night.

Now playing

Agreed. Core strength and balance are nearly useless for his discipline.

My brain says take care of the humans. But my heart screams save the animals.

I know we’re supposed to hate frats and what not, but I want to believe that this nightclub was a benevolent venture meant to raise money so that the nerdy, outcast Phi Delts could avoid eviction. Between the nasty (MIT?) jocks and the uptight dean, it wasn’t easy. But, in the end, it was the party of the century and

Tense is critical here. I can believe that it <is> not scary today. But it sure as shit <was> scary as a kid in 1990.

One would expect this post would begin by discussing the biggest celebrity donors (Watt, the Kardashians, Chris Young, and Chris Brown). But, instead, the post focuses more on a bunch of folks who have either promised much less or simply pledged general help. Mind you, I’m not critical of any of these celebrities.

Well said, Josiefiend Baker. My political views generally sync to Jezebel’s and most of its commenters. But there’s something deeply negative and cynical here. There’s a sentiment that puts purity over understanding. It shits on good because good isn’t perfect. And I am deeply uncomfortable with the seeming glee with

I’m curious as to why you (and others) think Theroux’s neighbor’s claims are credible? I mean, they certainly could be. But maybe Theroux is an excellent dog owner and his dogs bark only occasionally and Theroux’s neighbor is a hypersensitive dick. On what basis did you decide that it is the former? (This was my main

My main point is that it’s hard to tell from a distance who, if anybody, is being unreasonable in neighbor disputes. The line about rescue dogs was offhand. I personally value the hosting of rescue dogs, so I’m inclined to want people to be more tolerant of the practice. That’s my own bias, just like many of you have

Because hosting rescue dogs is a social good. It’s great actually. I’m not saying that it couldn’t reach the point of a nuisance to neighbors. (Maybe Theroux neglects the dogs? We don’t really know the circumstances.) But if I were Theroux’s neighbor, I’d be more inclined to suck it up on that issue. 

A good rule in disputes between neighbors, especially rich, privileged ones, is trust no one. There are truly horrible neighbors who impose extreme noise on others. There are also truly horrible neighbors who have eggshell-like sensitivity to every little thing (“your tree’s too tall,” “your air conditioner’s too

I’m old and think both Diplo’s and Rihanna’s music mostly sucks and sounds alike. Maybe it doesn’t though? Anyhow, I’m miss guitars. Again, I’m old.

It’s genuinely nice to find compassion and empathy here. These celebrity posts usually illicit so much hackneyed judgment.

I love how every Jezabel article becomes a thumbs up-or-down referendum on any person mentioned therein, and, of course, the casting of <<strong>> takes.