
I don’t really care what other people name their children. Gravity is unusual but not terribly terrible. People name children after nouns these days. That’s cool. Whatever.

Crossfit shoes have flatter, stiffer soles which are better for lifts like squats, deadlifts, etc. You get less squish and a more natural ramp angle than, say, running shoes. But, unlike pure lifting shoes, they’re okay to run in. So, they’re certainly aren’t necessary and probably aren’t going to help you lift

I’m somewhat OCD about my plates always facing inward. I don’t know where it comes from, but it drives me crazy when someone helps load the bar and puts the plates facing outward.

Another bonus: It seems to be one of the most egalitarian sports in terms of gender. The girls pretty much crush as hard as the boys.

This is the point for me. I’m not particularly interested in the fight, which seems like it’ll be a joke. The build-up and shit-talking are the real entertainment.

I think this is the right take.

I waiver between whether Klay Thompson is the most interesting or least interesting player in the NBA. Probably most, right?

Trump makes no sense and it makes no sense that he’s the president. But, on the positive side, Caitriona is an A+ name.

I can’t tell if you’re serious or not. But if you are, try throwing a 20lb. medicine ball 20-30 feet. Now try doing it several times in a row. It takes a ton of explosive strength among a broad array of muscle groups.

Eh, good for him. He seems like a swell guy and I can’t hate him for living a kick-ass life. I also think he’ll put most of his money to good causes.

So true. I’m a big-firm attorney with excellent credentials and a decade of experience in front of various courts. Yet, when I look at the transcripts of my arguments, I still sometimes cringe at the way I phrase things.

That’s fine. But I see little point in repeating it ad nauseam.

Is Tom Cruise the deadest of beaten horses on Jezebel? (There’s a long list, I know.)

Article: “Tom Cruise Has Enamel Work Done on Molars.”

Comment 1: “Something, something, Scientology!”
Comment 2: “Something, something, I can’t stand Tom Cruise.” 
Comment 3: “Something, something, [short joke].”
Comments 3-500: Repeat.

His ability to cheerfully do his shtick while the badger savagely bit his hands was sincerely impressive. Were it me, I’d have dropped five f-bombs and tossed the poor badger away from me.

Awesome! I loved Leeds.

Chris Pine went to Berkeley, studied English literature, and did the education abroad program at the University of Leeds a few years after I did. He’s rep’ing us English majors well, and is therefore the top Chris.

“[N]o other public school can stand up to Berkeley’s combination of elite academics and big-time sporting success.”

A quick google image search reveals that she’s still got it. In fact, she’s overflowing with it.

It was pretty funny when she mouthed “we had sex, me and him” while gesticulating her finger into a hole back and forth. (~3:10).