
This is the best free publicity scam ever invented. Vivid does this with every reasonably attractive woman who becomes infamous for 5 minutes, and the media duly reports on it every time, as though it was a legitimate business offer and not just marketing. Suckers.

Um, that wasn’t Mariah in Love Actually.

There is no joke if they cast a native American woman in the role instead of Jane Krakowski. The whole joke is that this rich WASP is secretly native American. It’s SUPPOSED to be absurd.

Don’t be stupid. The vast majority of pro life protesters are not lunatics, they are just as passionate about their cause as your average BLM or Occupy protester. Being an asshole doesn’t make you a terrorist.

Funny you should say that, as another response in this thread literally referred to my team vs the enemy.

Super progressive is not my team, nor do I consider conservatives the enemy. I just think that a lot of people in here need the reminder that their team has plenty of evil within it, to hopefully take the smugness down a few notches.

Because so many people in here seem to believe that kind of thing is only done by conservatives. It’s a nice reminder that a lot of liberals are just as bad, and some people definitely need to be reminded of that.

It’s nice to know this kind of hypocrisy isn’t limited to Republican politicians and pastors.

I know he does, but ”bagina” isn’t “bazinga".


Seriously. You flee before sentencing, not after you lucked into probation after killing 4 people.

Wasn’t Taylor Swift that age when she recorded her first album?

Have you listened to it? I think it would be pretty easy to tell if Willow wrote the lyrics. If it’s a bunch of pseudo intellectual, naive claptrap, then it’s definitely her. Remember, she fancies herself to be a deep thinker.

No, it’s just business.

No, it’s just business.

No, it’s just business.


Remember all the Iraqi people waving their purple thumbs after voting 10 years ago? We’ve seen how well that has turned out.

However, Melissa did recently switch throat surgeons.

No, somebody pitched a marketing idea to make movies with the titles of Hasbro games, and the movie got written.