
No dude, it’s not because you’re Asian, it’s because your name is Fuck Dat Bitch.

Yeah, it’s so sad that there has never been a black woman with a soulful voice that achieved massive success in our society. I remember hearing this Whitney something chick back in the 80s, something about saving her greatest love for somebody who danced for her. Had the goods, but of course never got beyond the

Because it’s a movie and Will Farrell is a professional actor and John Galliano isn’t?

Yeah, I totally believe that whoever started the petition didn’t actually understand what they were offended by. It’s just a knee-jerk reaction to a stupid joke, and they made sure they threw in all the obligatory buzzwords to convey appropriate internet outrage. In reality, almost nobody cares.

Amen! Plus, you never have to worry about forgetting somebody’s name if you never got it in the first place.

Artists make WAY more from selling an album than they get in streaming royalties. I still don’t understand how the streaming services gained the upper hand in this business, they need the record companies way more than the record companies need them.

Bob is a dirty whore. He got what he deserved.

Seriously. He was diagnosed 4 years ago and we are supposed to think that was the reason for him being an asshole a few weeks ago? Man, Jezebel really can turn anybody into a victim, can’t they?

Now playing

That was an assault on everything good and holy in this world. Why does she do that to songs? I much prefer this version.

When this project was announced, they were calling it a disco Christmas album. That would have been infinitely more interesting.

So at what point does the victim take some of the responsibility for being a complete fucking idiot?

So when you are having sex, do you draw up an itemized list of what is acceptable and what is not before you get naked? Because that’s not how normal people have sex. And getting licked in a place where you don’t want to get licked isn’t rape, you dipshit.

In other breaking news, water is wet.

She licked him during obviously consensual sex. There’s your 2+2. And how you could not know what he means by 50 shades of gray is truly mind boggling. Stop projecting, you humorless ninny.

Are you joking?

They haven’t yet

Sharon Stone was a name brand, but did she actually have any hits other than Basic Instinct? Being a box office draw is definitely part of the Hollywood pay formula, and while she was good for publicity, she wasn’t particularly good at getting butts in seats.

Nonsense. It just shows that common core is a rousing success.

It is idiotic to try to blame the school for any of this. This is just the reality of the smartphone age, kids are going to take naked pictures of themselves. Hopefully some of them learn a lesson, but it sounds like everybody already knew the pics were being circulated, so probably not.

In other words, they found a new use for their old Flowbee.