
I had that one too. My first LP was Shaun Cassidy.

Not only is he a footnote, he’s a footnote 2 months after he died. I have no idea why she threw that in there.

I was thinking the same thing. Does this guy even pretend that he’s not ripping off Fallon’s tired ideas? Or is it just a pure tonight show clone?

I would think some tabloid would be willing to cut a check to cover it for the exclusive interview. Since they settled, I would imagine the amount wasn’t in the millions.

He’s definitely doomed to the bowels of hell for this one.


It’s not shallow to not want to fuck somebody who you find visually unappealing. Attraction is based on a combination of things, including looks. That’s just the reality of being human.

It’s season 3. Season 2 was released during last year’s eligibility period.

You are not making the distinction between the wedding and the reception. One is fun, one is pretty boring.

“Light Years” is gay disco heaven. If this project is anything like that album, I’m in like Liza and Bianca.

It’s been awhile since I’ve read the book, but I definitely thought Rue was black when I read it, so the description certainly couldn’t have been that vague.

it drives home the point that black styles on a white woman get praised, where the same styles on black women are derided or ignored.

She is far from rich. Unless you’re the Kardashians, reality show money isn’t that great. And I read an article, I think it was here, that said that she didn’t receive anything near $1 million for her porn, that it was more like $25K.

Who goes around with eight pounds of fruit in their car?

I don’t think those Smith morons do anything wisely. But they sure as hell think their farts are filled with the wisdom of Ghandi.

Nobody actually says “YAAASSSSSS” either, but that idiotic phrase has worked its way deep into online culture.

Yeah, isn’t that kind of one of the great things about the United States, that’s it’s such a melting pot of so many different cultures? I just don’t understand why this recent trend of trying to segregate who can say, do, or wear certain things and who can’t is supposed to make the country better. To me it seems like

More than who can pull off dreadlocks, that’s for damn sure.

Jeez, you people really are never fucking happy, even when you get what you want it’s somehow never enough. For better or worse, that flag does have significance to a lot of people. You really can’t get on board with throwing the losing side a bone and just enjoy the victory?

Esther? Yuck.