Parsing different issues and diluting a single issue are different things. Seriously, people are offended to so much meaningless crap these days I often just more or less say “Fuck it” myself. Oh, someone else is offended today? Moving on *click*
Parsing different issues and diluting a single issue are different things. Seriously, people are offended to so much meaningless crap these days I often just more or less say “Fuck it” myself. Oh, someone else is offended today? Moving on *click*
The real problem is that stupid shit like this simply detracts and dilutes actual problems related to such issues. That’s one of the reasons you get so much push back. If you keep hunting for reasons to be offended people eveutslly just say “Fuck it” and quit trying not to offend.
First chill
The biggest disparity I saw yesterday was Tyrod Taylor being hit about five yards out of bounds (no flag) vs. Tom Brady given a mean look by a defensive lineman (DL ejected, 14 additional points awarded to the Patriots)
That’s FireRed or LeafGreen. Not Emerald.
nope, just your everyday bethesda game. buggy as all hell, but somehow people give them a pass.
String Player Gamer really is one of the best video game cover artists out there.
I’m actually quite saddened by the offset thumbsticks. I’m a DS4 yeah.
You do realize it’s all simulated and none of its actually representitive of the actual gameplay right?
Its also a thing that turns lights on and off. Silly nintendo.
What are you talking about? It’s right up there with 2 for me. And after working through and getting platinum in all four of them the first one is still definitely the weakest.
Why thank you sir! Now looking back and reading that, I can see how it can sound misconstrued. I’m not some dude who just got rich, I will have to work, but I no longer have to go in for said work and can instead complete it a home. I finally after 8 years of doing nothing but failing, wrote something worth while…
Can you hear it? That’s the sound of thousands of Youtubers pretending to be scared while they record their Let’s Plays. A true sign that Halloween season is in full swing.
Hughes was my favorite character throughout the whole show. Even thinking about that death now still makes me sad. But that funeral scene was simply killer; way for the director to rub salt in the wound. =(
Was there really a need to post four box art images to get your point across?
So a few anecdotes about a some young adults fucking is how you determine that Disney is single-handily responsible for STD outbreaks in CA and FL? GTFO with that bullshit. Idiots on the internet. What other ridiculous bullshit are you going to share? I can’t wait to laugh at that as well.
Oh but don’t you know? These kinja writers like Ashley Feinberg have to find something to write about and claim apocalyptic failure on so that they can attempt to remain relevant. These days people are more concerned with protecting people from themselves, then calling them to be responsible for their own actions.…
I’m a huge PlayStation fanboy and I’m like... WTF is wrong with you Sony? You’re literally taking a huge leap here by being the first company in the history of gaming consoles to introduce a mid-gen upgrade like this, and this is what the fuck you put out?
I’m broke!
So many decades after Mario’s introduction, he is basically our generation’s Mickey Mouse. So this introduction is not only cool as fuck, but appropriate.