
I haven’t bought No Man’s Sky, but I have seen more than a few features that were promised which were removed or never implemented without this being communicated to user’s prior to sale.

So you buy things with no expectation that they’ll hold up to any of the promises made beforehand? Everything is on you? If I order 6 breadsticks and only get 3, that’s on me for believing the restaurants advertising? If a game is sold promising multiplayer and it has no multiplayer, that’s all on me?

So you’re justifying that developers can outright lie and then say that it’s 100% the player’s fault for taking developers at their word?

this is sort of an irrationally unkind comment.

I’m with it.. Mgs had wormholes.. so calling it far fetched is a stretch(even had zombies to some degree plus different dimensions if you include the monster hunter plug in peace walker) . Not “feeling the following the survival trend” but it doesnt look terrible.

But everyone is going to hate train it. To me its a

You still hear the sound.

“ to get Sony to make the PS4's “screenshot taken” notification invisible in subsequent screenshots”
You can actually turn that off from the options btw.

It’s possible they never implemented the feature to begin with, and were counting on the fact that the size of the game’s galaxy (as well as random starting points for players, IIRC) will make it virtually impossible for players to meet each other at some point.

So zero you won’t even see each other lol

Yeah, but “borderline illegal shit” is also known as “legal shit”.

not to burst any gamer’s bubbles, but I wouldnt want gaming to be an olympic sport.


Do what you want to do

How about its my money and if I want to spend it playing Pokemon at a concert while not harming anyone what does it matter to you?

The 2009 Ghostbusters game isn’t perfect, but damn if it isn’t fun. I think of it (and obviously I’m not the only one who does) as Ghostbusters 3, and I still play it every now and then because bustin’ makes me feel good. It’s a great time. And the multiplayer was pretty awesome, too.

Are you really arguing the guy who won 8 gold medals in one Olympics is overrated?

Here’s what Pokémon Go actually looks like:

Bro... Lee?

:: playing for the first time like ::

100% agreed. It’s not the revolutionary game that its fans seem to think it is.