Big Bang & Saint Olufsen

Question asked and question answered in your comment. People are obsessed with this because it illustrates how our tax laws unfairly benefit billionaire parasites, and need to change.

No mention of YouTube Music? How could you forget the best music strea....ok I can’t keep that up.

We killed strains of influenza by wearing masks. Yay, us. Suck it, Rand Paul.

This aspect of consumer rights in the USA really baffles me. Why is the price tag on a car (or a snack or an insurance policy or whatever) not the same as what the customer actually has to pay? Price opacity is bad for consumers, bad for the better businesses, and only provides an advantage for the bad businesses.

then include it in the goddamn MSRP 

Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever

Is -4F really considered extreme? I live in an area with a relatively moderate climate but we still get cold snaps that are colder than that once in a while. I don’t think I’d appreciate needing to go out in the cold and ice to take down my camera.

Love seeing stuff like this as I’m looking into expanding my editing skills so thanks for the showing up to the internet today.

Is it just me, or does hearing about finding a guy stuffed into the leg of a statue with no obvious openings was “probably just trying to retrieve his phone” sound like if they found Jimmy Hoffa buried in Giants Stadium and the explanation was “he was just trying to locate a hotdog stand?”

I’m glad because I'm about mid thirties and never saw this! 

anyone not welcome on my lawn I am free to chase off

Being a “politician” is not a protected class. Being a conversative crybaby welp who gets mad because you got kicked from a chatroom for being an asshole is absolutely not a protected class.

I’d say this flower edges it out due to the looking-like-an-anus factor.

It gets points for being pretty, though. 

I was totally into the frying pan method, but my partner just introduced me to another.

I have what is probably a similar style Honeywell, and it was a PAIN to disassemble and clean. For one thing, even though I have a interchangeable screwdriver set, the holes to access the screws were far too narrow for the screwdriver tip connector to fit into deeply enough to get to the screws. I ended up having to

Now I have to watch Ted Lasso again (not a complaint). Best anything to come out of 2020, hands down.

YES! We have the same one and it’s absolutely foul. I thought it was just us. 

You’re not an engineer right? 

Absolutely outstanding display of incuriosity here m8