Dazed & Confused- An anthropology lesson embedded in a stoney hangout comedy, this movie nails what growing up where I grew up, when I grew up felt like and does so with a TNT soundtrack.
Dazed & Confused- An anthropology lesson embedded in a stoney hangout comedy, this movie nails what growing up where I grew up, when I grew up felt like and does so with a TNT soundtrack.
“Children of Men” is also an incredible movie.
somehow not parody
No Valerian love?
Da fug is happening to today’s youth, man?
Like that interview totally set like a world record for like, likes.
Just saw Annihilation, and it was pretty darn good. Guess I have to see Ex Machina now.
Love love love Hayley Atwell. No bombshell there, I know, but she can act, she’s intelligent, she’s a bad-ass when she needs to be, she’s not afraid to say what she thinks, and good god, she’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. The red dress in ‘The First Avenger’ haunts my dreams.
“literally something I did on my old show when I played an insane person”
Man, that arthritic jellyfish that crawled inside of Tucker Carlson’s skinbag and has been poorly mimicking human behavior for the past 10 years will be so embarrassed when it sees this clip.
Ironically enough, TJ Miller actually had a bomb is his bag.
God, has it really been 20 years?
This was precisely my struggle. I like “Happy” better than “This Boy is Exhausted,” but “Hopeless” is unimpeachable and perhaps one of my favorite songs of the 2000s.
Holy cow, I had completely forgotten about The Wrens. “She Sends Kisses” and “Hopeless” were minor dorm hang-sesh hits. I haven’t listened to them in at least 10 years until right now. Wow.
I feel like a Philistine, but I keep seeing that NMH run on here, and I just can’t square not having Holland, 1945 in the mix. (Maybe leading into Oh, Comely, even if I seem to love that song way less than most.)
Man, from Meadowlands, you could pick almost any three songs and you would be right. Your three are hard to argue with because all are great. But I might say “Happy” - “She Sends Kisses” - “This Boy is Exhausted”. Or just tack “Happy” to the front of your list and make it my favorite run of four tracks on any album…
Interpol, Antics: “Last Exit” - “Evil” - “NARC”
I’d go for ‘Jesus, Etc.’ / ‘Ashes of American Flags’ / ‘Heavy Metal Drummer’ off YHF.
I don’t play video games, but I appreciate seeing an article that’s even tangentially related to climbing on Deadspin.