Wrong. It is clearly projection, or else it would say “Cris Collinsworth SAID, “Here is a guy...”
Wrong. It is clearly projection, or else it would say “Cris Collinsworth SAID, “Here is a guy...”
That’s definitely not true for anybody at nine positions... at least not at an equivalent replacement level to the first-team starter at any given position. Some teams can get closer than others, though, and that depth is critical as ever.
Having the depth of talent where you can substitute out nine of your starting XI to START a match is the critical difference here. When you can substitute in starter-level talent, those three subs are far more valuable.
Reread the article, because you obviously absorbed none of it.
+1 drop policy
* they’re
Where do you see the entirety of the interaction? It’s fun reading into partial video footage and drawing the conclusion YOU want. It doesn’t make you right, but it sure is fun!
Reading comprehension is hard, apparently. Where did I say a single thing about that floating signifier called race? You said ethnicity, burner... white isn’t an ethnicity. I’ll repeat... that’s a PIGMENT of your imagination.
“White” isn’t an ethnicity. It’s a pigment of your imagination.
Reguritating a statement twice really lends it extra gravitas and makes it doubly valid, eh?
1. Nobody’s offered, so you have no fucking clue whether he’d take a backup job or not.
2. No CFL team has offered, so you have no fucking clue whether he’s willing to go to the CFL or not.
3. Nobody has offered Kaepernick a contract, so you have no fucking clue whether or not he’s asking for anywhere near $10 million.
What truly boggles my mind is that anyone can call that either “reclining” or “comfortable”...
1903, eh? Might want to check your calendar...
Nice work revealing the idiot in the conversation... must have been really hard peeling that mask off your own face.
It is one of those “unspoken rules” that you don’t attack a fellow contender when a mechanical failure occurs. Essentially, the thinking is that you want to beat a rival on merit rather than machine error.
Is Chestnut really an expert on this? I mean, the guy deconstructs his hot dogs before eating them like a toddler at dinnertime... so obviously he’s not going to think of them as sandwiches.
There certainly is free agency... if a player’s contract is allowed to expire by a club, that player can sign for free with any club around the globe. It is much rarer than in American sports because of the nature of the transfer market, but free agency does exist.