USC is a private school, so you probably wouldn’t have much luck with that.
USC is a private school, so you probably wouldn’t have much luck with that.
That depends on whether or not you’re able to study something that will generate value for the next four decades. The time constraints of major college sports often force student-athletes into fields that crater the usefulness of that ostensibly free education.
When a person’s employer pays for them to get new certifications or continue education, is the employee taxed for that? Your argument is fallacious.
$100K is an overblown number, considering grant-in-aid didn’t cover full cost of attendance until a few years ago... and, having finished undergrad at the University of Oregon in June, I can attest that tuition, room, and board didn’t come to that number over the full four years. But the NCAA would love for you to…
The problem is that thinking the only worthwhile end goal is excellence. I am exceedingly mediocre when I play shortstop on my rec-league softball team. I will never become Tim Howard when I throw on my gloves and cleats and dive into goal for a pick-up soccer match. I will never get confused for Marco Pantani when I…
Syntax is tough. Grammar is tough. Spelling is tough. I get that, Susan... but I do not think “superior” means what you think it means.
Indee, the very same. It certainly has been left fallow, though it still remains among the gold standard of academies.
It certainly doesn’t hurt to build rapport with peers... *cough, La Masia, cough*
Bags of urine are tossed at players during many a soccer match...
+1 for dedication to the cause
Or you can just go to the Wayback Machine:
I own two shirts and one pair of cargo shorts.
Nagbe got hosed.
Exactly. Completely different positions at this point in their careers (and for that matter, Wondo is more versatile)... Don Ovan would never have been in place to pot that setup v. Belgium.
No. Just fucking NO, Burneko.
This is a Texans letter.
One change in societal perceptions is happening in real time. In the case of the Olympics and Jenner, though, you are advocating superimposing modern standards on a past event. Therein lies the inconsistency.
Am I implying that? No... you inferred that. The IOC, on the other hand, is saying exactly that.