
The IOC bases participation by physical sex, not gender identity. Jenner had male genitalia when he took gold; therefore the victory is not invalidated retroactively by events four decades later, and the medal remains an irrevocable part of her life story.

Drew is still just bitter about Ice Town.

Greg Pikitis, anyone?

I’d say the chances are slim to none, unless FIFA suddenly moves its headquarters out of Switzerland.

Scott Walker? Is that you? I can’t recall...

Deadspin commenter says ESPN’s new hire is “intellectually deficient”

Perfect variant on shandies for football weekends: red beers, switching the citrus with tomato juice. Add heat with whatever sauce you want (I prefer Aardvark) if so desired.

I’d believe Slate more if we were talking about Gregggggg...

Have you thought that perhaps you’re conflating Drew’s words? He called one person (whose actions merit the distinction) a Jesus loon. You turned that into “Drew says anyone who is piously Christian is a loon.”

If you don’t have cheesecloth or a fine strainer, coffee filters also work spectacularly.

Hell no. If Mariota benefited from an offense you declare "chicken-shit", then one could argue that Winston's otherworldly 2013 was the product of the veteran talent around him and his regression in 2014 is more representative of his Nuke LaLoosh profile — a million-dollar arm and a 50-cent brain.

Rangers, perhaps?

Winston made plenty of NFL-caliber throws to the other team last season...

It takes more time and frustratingly tedious steps, but consommé is the ultimate meat-extract culinary plaything...

I think rugby ball is ranked way too low here...

Argentine demographic history is predicated on Italian immigration.

Ah, Grolsch, the beer of hooligans. Nothing like a thicker bottle to do some extra damage when contacting a cranium...

If third place in a World Cup means a country hasn't "done anything of note on the international level since separating from Yugoslavia", maybe it's time for the U.S. to Balkanize...

The Pape family are capital equipment-dealing magnates based here in Eugene.

I was in Vegas for a joint bachelor/bachelorette party about 7 years ago when my most epic upchuck occurred. We had been drinking whiskey and beers all through the day and munching boomers in the suite at the Sahara where the Beatles stayed back in the 60s. We went out to dinner, taking the monorail to the south end