
There's nothing disrespectful at all... rereading my comment, that's how it came across. I meant for those to be two different thoughts. Dress how you want people to perceive you, and show respect for those you would like to be respected by.

I wasn't suggesting that one would or wouldn't get shot by wearing a hoodie. I myself own a few collegiate hoodies which display my alma mater. My ghetto hoodie thug comment was an aside meant to convey that people judge you based initially on your attire. (Somewhat agreeing with the last part of Beckmann's comment.)

"If you want to be a bigot in your private life, go right ahead, but if you broadcast those feelings to the world on Facebook, Twitter or in any other way, you should expect to feel the pain back"

Hahaha, and the best part of you calling him out was that you didn't notice that he spelled 'enpugh' the same way nwbackcountry originally did. Probably to mock him.

Fat people make me sad. (I'm not talking overweight people or pudgy ones even... I'm talking about the ones who are as wide front to back as they are side to side as they are top to bottom. The ones that tire walking 10 yards.) I know this comment will make me look like a complete a-hole, but I do honestly feel sad

Yeah, $30 for 3Gb plus overages if you go over, or grandfathered 'unlimited' = 3Gb then no more internets for you if you go over. Decisions decisions.

I always have the newest iPhone, and use the shit out of it. Every day. Even use pandora occasionally during work. I typically use about 1.6 Gb. I have a grandfathered 'unlimited' plan for $30. Was going to get my g/f an iPhone this weekend, figured I'd dump my unlimited for the $25 2Gb plan just to save a few bucks

it's easy... if your phone can access the internet, it needs a data plan. No matter what. If it can access the internet without ATT, well, pfft screw you, pay us anyway.

Were you being a dick? Or returning the sarcasm... I can't tell. Well played?

I flew to costa rica with them last summer. I had the absolute worst travel experience with them. Will never do it again. Learned my lesson not to be a cheap bastard and pay the extra $100 or so for the peace of mind provided by another airline.

That pretty much sums up my feelings for the matter too. Might have mentioned something about the newly-un-closeted ex-best buy employee being newly un-employed as well.

Factory reset? What's that? You must have meant what experts call a hard sweep.

ok. so.

For a resource that blows so much, wind turbines sure do suck...

Northrop. just sayin.

The laws of physics would be the same; they are the same everywhere. It's the constants that would vary from universe to universe. The attraction between two objects would still relate via F=G*(m1 x m2)/d^2 across all universes, except in other universes, G would probably equal something other than ~6.67E-11

Couple of things:

factor of safety, man. keep it high.

Why would cleaning all those balloons suck? I'd hook up a spike to an AR Drone and hand an iPad to patrons. Pay out $1 itunes cash for every balloon recovered. Might sell some AR drones, or iPads on the 'dude, that's sweet' factor alone. Pfft what am I saying. I'd totally just do that myself.

And there is a shortage of helium.