
I'm not following you...

hahahaha so true

"Are they heavy? Put them up, they're probably expensive"

hahaha ha

"How do I look, Daddy?"

Well, they were adopted, but yeah.

"If you need any further proof that handguns should be illegal" Really?

That could be true. It could have started as some idiot not balancing the rotors properly.

Ground resonance.

He'd probably take better pics if he took his lens cap off...

I use the command line every day. It will never die. I don't believe the desktop metaphor will die either. Sure, for consumers it probably will, but not for content creators and professionals. Nope.

I had some ghost pepper action a couple of weekends ago at zest fest. Got me sweating but not too bad. This scorpion pepper sounds... intriguing.

Hey, Jesus, ya might want to add somewhere in there that you're talking about the days of the week as opposed to the '1'. I, like a lot of other readers as shown in the comments below, immediately thought this was another post complaining about the '1' being off and completely ignored the days of the week as we were

Thanks for that... totally made my day.

yeah, we need video of her flipping out. And to see just how dirty those countertops are.

I'm from Texas and I've always pronounced it as whole/sole...

I love me some 2-tacos... mmmmm... The only fast food I allow myself to eat anymore. (And Chik-fil-a)

I like how there are so many here dissing Netflix. The real assholes here are the bastards at WB. Hey, you want to sell more DVDs? Lower the f*cking price. I'm sure people would be more willing to dish out $10 for a dvd than $16 even if the big red box at the front of the store could give it to them at $1.30/day.

except then you have governments spying on you and instead of getting fired for spilling a secret, you get arrested...