
hahaha i cheek muted a call yesterday twice. :|

I have a friend who is attending the event... would I be an asshole if I called him to see if he remembered to silence his phone in the middle of the keynote? hahahahaha...

true... look how long it's taking for everyone to jump on the debit/credit bandwagon... There are still restaurants out there who only accept cash!! :O


ooh, maybe the waiters can carry around bill holders with NFC readers integrated inside, that beam the payments to a central location at the store...

You can't be serious.

That's the first thing I thought at first too... how the hell does a rudder deflection incite a roll?

um... did you not watch the same video I did? That kid was most certainly not just holding his arms up in defense. He was undoubtedly on the offensive.

Hahaha some of these comments are hilarious. I'm glad most of the readers here disagree w/ the author and see that the taser was necessary and by no means excessive.

neural net programming is a good way to accomplish this.

That's what I feel is happening here too. Also, well done on that last paragraph. +1

...wait; 50km before needing to be amplified? that's a lot of amplification to span an ocean!


that looks FUN!

I'm not sold on W8 yet... not a huge fan of the boxy interface (although it looked nice on my friend's phone). The search pane looked pretty swanky. I wouldn't mind my iPad borrowing that feature.

I wouldn't be calling my insurance company... FAA is looking into who the hell was negligent enough to drop something from a plane... insurance companies would be an obvious place to look. ~$1000 lens, minus deductible, plus whatever legal issues dropping a lens from an airplane could get you doesn't seem worth it.

Feeling the Texas love!

Hopefully when it's all done, the UI will have a unified theme... I mean, the b/w minimal start menu is cool and all, but that ribbon in the background? The two don't seem like they compliment each other...

Proper nutrition makes a huge difference in both endurance and strength exercises. Any cardio over an hour I tend to 'carb up' and enjoy something sweet along the way; always follow my strength training with plenty of protein.

I experienced burpees for the first time at bootcamp last weekend. haha love 'em!