
hahaha Phineas is great!

My vision is far less than perfect (born with cataracts); growing up, I used how people moved to identify them before I could see detail in their face. (Their general body shape narrowed options significantly too)

God isn't punishing Texas. That's silly. Everyone's so quick to blame God for EVERYTHING that happens. That's not quite how religion works.

They may have the manpower, and resources, and material to build aircraft which look similar to our own modern fighters/drones, but one of the biggest hurdles is software. There are millions of lines of scrutinized, optimized, well thought through code that goes into keeping a drone (or an inherently unstable fighter)

There are Texans declaring that you are a douchebag for being so willingly ignorant and distasteful.

families with children still board first.

"Apple won't go into further detail about how the service will works" - will work

well, when your dodson has sex with a pit bull, you'll get a hurricane.

haha shout out to glen rose! camped there last weekend.

1 - ports; understood. Forwarding- it's like a handoff. The router forwards the incoming request (access to port X on IP (you have 2 sets of IP addresses. An external one (that the world sees) and internal ones (that you see, say connected to your wifi)) from from the outside machine (the one at the

lol nice

yes. YES. You sir, made my day. Thank you.

Probably, and most likely.

I think it is referring to a solid completely surrounded by a fluid. Completely still, the solid displaces exactly its volume. Once the solid moves relative to the fluid, it displaces its volume, plus any fluid that is being dragged with it (i.e. fluid affected by the shear interaction between the surface of the solid

Actually with ATT and Verizon getting their panties in a wad over people using unofficial tethering software/techniques, this makes sense. They would definitely want to keep people from using their shiny new '4G' network for home use. Perhaps the move to 4G is the motivator for actually taking some action in this

Anyone read 'Prey' by Michael Crichton?

hahaha nicely put. I thought the same thing when I say they launched their first carrier.

I was wondering the same thing myself this morning. Apparently, some cops killed some black thug drug dealer who had an illegal weapon, and the dealer's family was holding a peaceful protest/vigil. Other people decided that the peaceful protest wasn't enough and it escalated into a riot. Others followed suit realizing


it's all that math reading he does in books...