ha, they need to make a hose attachment now. Instant beer bong!
ha, they need to make a hose attachment now. Instant beer bong!
hahahah true dat +1!
pretty sure flops is an acronym for FLoating point OPerations per Second... like 2.0 + 4.5 = 6.5. This isn't done with 1 'flip' of 1 transistor, and is also considered "a calculation". Wouldn't make it a peeve if I were you :)
"not seeing is believing"
This is just some eco-designer's digital masturbation.
@casperiv: also wind is not a bridge's friend. What engineer in their right mind would ever sign off a document saying there with all those stupid turbines there will be no destructive resonance.
@HektikLyfe: or gift. or gill... that was kinda difficult coming up with hard gi- terms though
@RacecarBoobTat: or that high schools shouldn't spend tens of millions of dollars on football stadiums because their team is doing well a few years in a row.
@The Honey Badger: AOL wouldn't work for them... EOL maybe, but not AOL.
@Canon7D-Fanboy: DFW FTW!
@BazookaJoe: ha, 'a beautiful mind' was nothing like this! you should see it
@Jimilu: ha! so did my mom! She'd drop them into a brown paper bag with powdered sugar in it then shake it to coat...
... she must've seen that they were going to release two more matrix movies...
@saltboy: I know.
so, set up an experiment. say: 'tomorrow at this time, we will change a cubit in this manner. It seems like the particle interaction should work both ways. See if at today, at whatever time it's supposed to happen, the qubits start spinning!
@kineticdamage: that part threw me for a loop too...
@saltboy: it's all relative. I don't think there is one true absolute frame of reference... the universe (as we know it) is constantly changing (spatially). I think any means of time travel would remain relatively stationary (outside forces would still need to act on the time traveler to ensure it ends up in the same…
@trs: ha! I read it as tomy ears!
Do text messages occupy data or voice on VZN? I think my droid friends can send texts during calls which would indicate it did it over voice... if so then would texts kill data transmission too?
@reuthermonkey: right there with ya. One of my favorite features/abilities with my iPhone is tethering it to my laptop, and know that if I get a call, I can leave it on my desk and hit 'speaker'. Or, have the ability to look up movie times on the go while talking to friends.