@DarthMonkey: they could announce it now, and release it in June/July...
@DarthMonkey: they could announce it now, and release it in June/July...
@jktechwriter: I started looking into it, and I'm going to buy atomic when I get home. :)
@jktechwriter: They used to be 2.99. they went on sale, and are back at normal price.
@HeavyHarris: I go plane spotting... I guess I cant really judge the guy. I dont know though, planes are WAY better than trains.
@Jules Winfield: ha "is the speed of light too slow for you!?"
@SGTalon: I think they are banking on people buying their movies so they wouldn't have to wait a month to see them for less.
@BeyondtheTech: haha, searched for iPhone Lady. Got a good laugh out of the top two that popped up.
Oh man. I could just feel the class oozing from her rabid response email.
@freesoapandwater: agreed... the ebay one was HILARIOUS
@Omnimon: but then again, how many devs who make games with this engine could accomplish the same without it?
@LeftClicker105: hahahaha I do that all the time!
@Erik The Red: yeah... she looks damn good for 52, but man, I couldn't tell if she was a robot or not... uncanny valley-ish?
@IrishCheerioLadd: niiice; I'll have to check it out. thanks
@Lord_Data ∞: he is a pretty cool guy. I used to know him back when he was president of my alma mater - Texas A&M. That was before the black vans and men with guns days though...
@Nitesh: you are correct if we are talking about the pixel size on the sensor.
@Nitesh: wouldn't you want less microns per pixel?
I was going to comment that Express was really bad with this... till I read it in the article. They do this all the time though. And the beauty is, they'll let you reuse an email coupon, so you can just make 3 purchases of 50 (for $90) instead of 1 purchase of 150 (for $110)
@TheBobmanNH: Lockinfo actually tells you what the event was.
@geolemon: but what about federal-pound-you-in-the-ass prison?