Big sama

Netflix makes an Asian character white. Everyone complains.
Kotaku gets paid for positive reviews. No one bats an eye.

Boba Fett didn't wear Mandalorian Armor in the movie. It's made out of Duraplast. - Boba Fett: A Practical Man

His name is Robert Paulson.

I usually trust Kotaku reviews, for the most part you are right. This really makes me feel like you're getting paid to say "this is one of the best shooters of all time"

Pretty much the same game.

It's made of wood.

It's made of wood.

Not a single mention of Tales of Symphonia?

Put the word Bioshock infront of it an all the reviewers will give it a 100/100. Looks good.

I liked the original Bioshock, but hated this one. I feel like all the reviewers are getting paid to say it's awesome. The graphics are kinda bland and the story is unoriginal.