
Yeah, I think this is really specific to hotel/motel travel. Those sorts of places would probably frown on you using your camp stove in the room. Open flames are generally a no-no.

I can imagine a hotel/motel not approving of a toaster oven in the room: much more likely to smoke or catch fire. A crock pot is pretty fail-safe, and shouldn’t be a problem.

I think “fucken” is the past participle of “fuck”: “The prostitutes were fucken by the sailors.” You mean “fucking”, I believe.

I can just see the crowds of people hanging out just *not* getting on the plane.

To be fair, if you’re flying business/first, I think you can usually start the complimentary drinking as soon as you’re seated. So there’s that.

Unfortunately Apple has revoked the certificate for MovieBox. Guess I’ll have to wait for the next Jailbreak.

I had been fairly certain I would never get married; I'd lived on my own for so many years I'd become quite set in my solitary ways and didn't think I could ever again share space with someone else, and I also felt like all my romantic relationships had a bit of an "expiration date" on them. But then I met my wife.

I had two of the shirts those guys were wearing, and the same headphones as the guy working on the Tyrell Building model. Weird.

If you read the full report, "non-metropolitan Hawaii" came in second for happiness, after demographic controls are applied. Louisiana is apparently far and away the happiest place, for whatever reason, with regions topping the chart at #1, 3, and 4. As for Alaska, Anchorage fared fairly well at #32; there may be

You call that "cluttered"?! Hahahahahahahah whoooo Heeheehee oooh, ahhh... Thanks. I needed that. I'll post a photo of my desk when I get home. You don't know from "clutter", I assure you. ;)

I've always done this by instinct, but only very occasionally. I usually only do this when I feel like my brain is going to explode otherwise (I've always called it a "mental-health day"). Maybe I should do it more often... Even my weekends are pretty full of "should", in general.

The writer actually *says* to go to the library. In the very next sentence. Why the hell are you a writer if you don't read, indeed.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree about the Q-tips. I never used to use them (doctors in the States having always told me never to put anything in my ears) but despite the recommended mineral oil and self-irrigations (which never seemed to help) I always got build-up that would eventually lead to hearing

Just take a moment to stand back and admire the results of your labor. Take a deep breath. Exhale. "Ahhh. Clean room." When I do the dishes, I stack them as neatly ("artistically"?) as I can in the drainer, and I wipe down the stove and counter to a shine. It's a small source of satisfaction, but it is a little

Still running iOS 6 on an iP5. Thank you for validating my choice.

Whenever I discover or think of one it goes on a list, because pretty often when the time comes to do one of these, I can't think of a single thing.

Looks pretty nice. When my magical completely cashless future actually arrives (we're getting there, but it still seems to be a ways off yet), maybe I'll make one.

F.lux. That is all.

I am definitely in the "both" column. I love e-books for travel and quick research, but for extended reading I still prefer hard copies. Ideally I'd have redundant (hard/electronic) copies of pretty much everything, but there's the space/weight factor. I'm also somewhat fearful of format obsolescence for digital