
Interesting — I have also found that unless I am particularly exhausted I will naturally wake up right about 7 hours after I go to sleep (which is more or less immediately after my head hits the pillow). Ideally that seems to happen about midnight to 7:00 am or 1:00 am to 8:00; for some reason I don't feel as

I just saw a recipe recommending doing it with tequila & serving the chunks on skewers with a slice of salt-crusted lime. Planning to try it this weekend, actually.

Quit that job ASAP. There is always another way. Depending on the "financial reasons" it may take a little time, but you need to make it your vital mission to figure out how to get out of that situation, as if your life depended on it. Because it does. (If you're supporting kids, etc., obviously that's another factor

Yeah, that's not what it says. It says nobody's going to make much money *becoming a landlord in New York right now*.

Interesting. I'd actually come up with the exact same stretch on my own, naturally. I started by simply rolling my knees to one side, but found this way targeted my outer hip better. It was just exactly what my body felt like it needed after being on my feet all day. Feels great!

"I find it also helps with achiness in

I was initially skeptical of the iPad & tablets in general. Why would I want something halfway between my smartphone and my laptop?

Thinking, "Wow, what a cool idea," I clicked on the link but then actually got kind of nauseated when confronted by the horrible monstrosity that met my eyes. Still a great idea but OMG is this execution ever hideous.

Are there people who wax their faces?!?!

I have learned this over the years, too. Ideally (for me), two hours between waking up and needing to be out the door. Makes a world of difference for me. I wake up, do some light exercise & stretching, have a cup (or two!) of coffee, make & eat breakfast, shower… all without rushing for a second, and I head out the

That sounds like a fun trick to work out, but unnecessary for me: my coffee machine has a built-in clock and timed-start function, just like an alarm clock. It's great, and I find it hard to imagine life without fresh coffee waiting for me in the morning on work days. Isn't that pretty standard for coffee makers these

I've been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea myself. What's the deal with this thing, and how does it work? Is it uncomfortable?

I use a sleep mask to get to sleep if my wife is still awake and needs/wants a light on in the bedroom (reading, etc.), and it's great for that, but I find I always remove it in my sleep, so it doesn't help for morning light. Anybody else have this problem?

The actual sunrise is very rarely precisely appropriate to my sleep schedule, so yeah, this sort of technology is actually very valuable to some people. Right now, for example, it's still very dark when I need to be getting up; in the summer where I live, it gets light at like 4:30 a.m., which would mean that I need

More to the point, English is commonly used as decoration in Japan, especially on clothes and packaging. Nobody (Japanese) actually reads it; it's just a design element. Still, this is pretty flagrant. Whoever designed it may have been having a dig at the sponsors, since along with "I L♡ve Cock", "L♡ve Fuck", and "I

More to the point, English is commonly used as decoration in Japan, especially on clothes and packaging. Nobody (Japanese) actually reads it; it's just a design element. Still, this is pretty flagrant. Whoever designed it may have been having a dig at the sponsors, since along with "I L♡ve Cock", "L♡ve Fuck", and "I

G+ has a lot of nice formatting options, and I might actually use it as my go-to SNS if A) more people I knew were on it, and B) it could be used with IFTT and such. As it is, I use G+ only as a back-up SNS - Facebook exclusively for friends, family, and close acquaintances I actually know in real life; G+, which

Very interesting take on biphasic sleep. I have a couple of questions:

1) You talk about "catching up" on sleep on the weekends, which sort of implies that you aren't in fact getting enough sleep during the week. I'm curious: how much additional sleep do you get on the weekends and in how many shifts?

Also good: play the board, not the player. Many, many screw-ups in life can be chalked up to mistakenly attributing intentions to others' actions. Never assume you understand the motives of others; just deal with the situation first.

That's a terrible way to play chess (you might beat novices that way, but not anyone with any significant experience or understanding of the game — they'll just run you around), and, may I suggest, not a particularly good way to live life, constantly in the effect state (for essentially the same reasons as previous).

We have LTE on SoftBank (my provider) now. At the time the service was W-CDMA ("3G"). I have no idea about the details of the setup at the time or now. All I can tell you is that for many hours after the quake, voice calls and SMS were a no-go (on all providers, as far as I remember), but mobile Internet access was