

holy shit gizmodo needs to hire this guy they’re about to lose their title of dumbest fucking tech bloggers on the planet. Somebody get this guy a 401k!

if pouring oil into a measuring cup dirties it why would you assume this thing isn’t going to need to be cleaned every time you use it as well?

if pouring oil into a measuring cup dirties it why would you assume this thing isn’t going to need to be cleaned

$9 times the 900,000 lightning devices they claim are in use is a fucking fortune

it’s fucktards like you that make those lineups worse, learn how to drive before you spout off about physics you stupid fuck

lol this article reads like it was written by a retard, millennials don’t owe you any viewership and as has been pointed out, in the US at least you needed a cable subscription - which is exactly the biggest reason millennials didn’t give a fuck about your stupid olympics. Here in Canada and the UK, our networks

this is a good way to get your rolls keyed. Which is more expensive? Replacing the ornament or a new paint job? genuinely curious I’d expect the ornament to cost more than my entire car

then you’ve got yourself a nifty new necklace, bud

we said the MEDIA not the drooling retards that write fucking stupid blogs

It doesn’t taste good, and you don’t have to drink it.

fuck you douchebag

my gripe was around the trickery they had to resort to to get people to download their crappy os. I don’t want it, I shouldn’t have to deal with the constant pestering when using software I’ve already purchased, that’s why I have a problem with it. You wanna upgrade? good for you. There is nothing in the world that

yea but are they going to be as fucking aggressive getting me to update for $120? I would literally shit on the machine and mail it to them, fuck windows 10 and their trickery, if nobody fucking wanted it when it was FREE why the FUCK would anyone want to pay them even 12 cents for it? Some motherfuckers at microsoft

this is fine.....

it’s a ball. it’s probably cramped and bumpy, then you’re taking a nap and some slack jawed unemployed twat suddenly throws this ball which is your HOUSE at your friend and expects you to kill them.

the hero we need

“Feeling personally victimized”

2:19 to see the actual hit

ahahahaha you pathetic slob why the fuck are you replying to some weeks old bullshit fuck you I suspect you’re one of those douchebags who doesn’t do their job right then wonders why nobody fucking tips them eh? drop dead you sack of shit nobody fucking cares about your poor ass get back to flipping burgers and

my favourite all time batman scene from anything batman ever was in season 1 of this series, “Christmas with the Joker” where batman opens a gift from the joker - it’s the perfect gift! A pie in the face! hahaha I had to laugh along with the joker for that one it’s just perfect