
shhh don’t explain science to tech bloggers they’re not smart

they took urr jurrrbss!!

I didn’t notice the cannon at first and thought ‘this doesn’t look so bad just a tube down a waterslide’


I’ll kick that piece of shit in the nuts don’t touch my fucking puffs dog

say what you will but the N95 and other 12 key smartphones by nokia that were out before the iPhone were still better than the first few generations of iphone. Obviously nobody is making that claim now but I can’t use my iPhone as a projectile like I could with my N95. Until the iPhone 4 and FaceTime there was nothing

this reads like it was written by a curmudgeonly old luddite who shakes their fist at everything. Get with the times grandpa

does the uber code work for rides in canada? I added it to my app but it says ‘United States’ right underneath

does the uber code work for rides in canada? I added it to my app but it says ‘United States’ right underneath

Costco has these bitches for $22/pair (and that’s in CAD so that’s like $7 usd each?)

Costco has these bitches for $22/pair (and that’s in CAD so that’s like $7 usd each?)

congratulations you just described how governments work (and why they fucking don’t)

to any canadians coming across this today, it’s on a lightning deal 24% off, from 99.99 to 75.99. Glad I waited to pull the trigger on this

to any canadians coming across this today, it’s on a lightning deal 24% off, from 99.99 to 75.99. Glad I waited to

more like “look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole look at me bumhole” amirite

they’re adding to your traffic woes but the people they bring with them are also contributing significantly to the local economy. Guaranteed the city has the better end of the stick here, you don’t see anyone from apple coming out and bashing the city, do you? Just another pea-brained politician running his mouth

can anyone explain the fucking stupidity that is charging $49 and charging $749 + shipping? What the fuck our dollar is in the shitter but goddamn it’s not bad enough to warrant that kind of horsecockery

can anyone explain the fucking stupidity that is charging $49 and charging $749 + shipping?

shhh don’t use logic with a tech blogger they’re far too fucking stupid

isn’t including a lgbt character just for the sake of including an lgbt character discriminatory in and of itself? Also why don’t these activists get together and make their own films instead of trying to change what the people who are actually out there doing it are doing? If you’re too lazy/poor/stupid to do it

LOLOL this made me laugh don’t blame me because you’re a piece of shit who can’t do better than the service industry. Do your fucking job for the agreed upon wage you poor piece of shit or just go on welfare like I’m sure most of your family is you worthless mutt

as someone with no kids who has lived in tech startups for their entire career, I think those are all great ideas. Probably good thing I don’t have any kids