Turkey is basically trying to provide air cover to the Syrian Rebels/Turkmen/ISIS factions. They have also provided supplies, training and safe harbor to ISIS.
Yep. Turkey has long used their standing in NATO to cover their illegal activities. Unfortunately, no one in NATO has the guts to boot them out, and now world peace could easily hang on the decisions of Erdogan, the man who gassed protesters, funds ISIL, is a habitual liar, and most likely rigged the last election.
“The Turkish government isn’t protecting ISIS or their black market oil trade.”
Assholes, the whole lot of ‘em
It’s almost as if Texas Mississippi and Alabama broke off from the United States and became allies with China/Russia. When you think of it that way it’s easy to see why Russia doesn’t like them
Yes, and most people who don't support ISIL will probably not want to be around them to begin with
I know, it’s almost like one has been preparing for this his whole life, and the other has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and wishes it would all just go away.
I understand my post is a bit cold hearted and I am not calling for the Dresden or Tokyo style strategic bombing efforts. I am saying that letting collateral damage hamper efforts to destroy IS means more die in the end. How we win matters but it only matters if we do win.
Such a pussy.
Gosh, life must be a drag of constant worrying. Every experience I’ve had with craigslist has been pretty positive. And all the times I have suspected shady-ness or something not right all you have to do is meet them in a public space or simply not go. It’s a shame people this day in age gravitate towards the worst…
You sound like you’re fun at parties.
Or, you know, live a little. You remind me of today’s kids growing up. Everyone is too sheltered to the point that they’re afraid to go on a little adventure or meet new people. I’ve done the same thing hundreds of times, so if I dodged a 99% chance of death/rob/rape every time, I must be the luckiest guy on Earth.…
Yes, for every positive Craigslist experience, there are hundreds more that end in death or other violence. That’s why the entire population of America has been murdered. Or, possibly, it’s the EXACT OPPOSITE CASE. Practice safe Craigslisting, but you still have odds on your side.
well aren't we just an incredibly smarmy cunt today aren't we?
no one is impressed by your smug sense of superiority.