Big Meaty Fingers

So if a black guy does this and gets a beat down, everyone is hysterical about racist cops. Yet, this appears to be a white guy and everyone is quick to make jokes.

Pretty sure the cops get it right most of the time despite what your hippie friends tell you.

You’re a gigantic liberal asshole. But then again, I’m sure you already know that.

Boo fucking hoo. Guys that are on death row who probably ended someone else’s life (and changed the lives of their loved ones forever) are now complaining about inhumane treatment while they await the end?

Who actually listens to this stuff? More importantly, why does anyone actually care what these two think about each other?

So if you lived in a “red/conservative” area, she would be more susceptible to being raped? Jesus.

This kind of talk is just stupid and proves you have no clue.

So, so sad. I feel sorry for you.

Are you blaming Trump for this already?

Welcome to the America that Obama and the crazy liberals have created when the use of the word “posse” is condemned.

And where would they get such thoughts?

It’s just like the Hillary commercial! Maybe you two can build a bomb shelter together and watch Michael Moore movies this weekend.

Fuck you. Just because their views don’t mirror your socialist utopia doesn’t mean they are monsters. I hope you get fired.

Wahhh. Too bad that’s not how the system works. I doubt you’d have that comment if the shoe was on the other foot.

Yeah, way to make sure that four year old is aware of what’s happening in the world. Tonight they are going to watch re runs of the Daniel Pearl beheading.

Great post - thank you for asking someone to take some responsibility.

I am also a pretty responsible parent of three kids from 9 to 14 years old.

Yeah, Hillary isn’t any of those things.

It’s more easier to whine about injustice rather than do something about it. Welcome to 2016 America, pal

Yeah - start the Doomsday Clock and buy your nuclear bomb shelter and rations now!