Big Ern

That was the first thing I noticed too.

Just a Natural Progression...

Just a natural progression...

Their video's broken English text to speech is awesome!

If all browsers are vulnerable, maybe it will finally force everyone to update to a modern browser and ditch the ol' IE6/7 etc.

All valid points. Especially the sizing and color palette. I think WP7 and xbox UIs are pretty good too. I might throw in the that the Zune software is pretty good too. But all three serve a vastly more propitiatory purpose vs. the generic nature of the ribbon.

Actually, the $99 mark was irrelevant to my oppinion of the OS. It was "hey a cheap tablet for the kids", but this was my first experience with WebOS. Now having used all three OSs' I prefer WebOS to Android, and iOS, and so do the people around the office that have had a chance to use the device. If I had it to do

Not to undermine your point here because it is valid, but the same could be said about Mac vs. PC. Some people will fall in love with WebOS, kinda like Mac. Others will go more mainstream.

I think his point was that criticism is more valuable when it comes with perspective. "Walk a mile in someone else's moccasins" if you know what I mean. He is obviously a user and a designer, and may have created the best way of accomplishing that he could think of. Don't like it? offer a suggestion.

I like the way you put that with the keyboard analogy, and it's a great point. But, isn't that what they are doing with the ribbon? Put common 'keys' front and center, and let them drill down for specialized ones?

We have been considering using the ribbon interface in our apps. Do you have some examples of better UIs for accomplishing similar goals to the ribbon?

Ha ha! They're going to need a big squeegee and a lot of Windex.

Now that's irony! +1

This is a beautiful concept for a store, and I would love to visit it. Hell from a PR standpoint it is genius. But, alas their thought process seams to be flawed. A classic "form over function" design.