ATTWiFi is currently free, and I'm always surprised when I randomly connect to one.
ATTWiFi is currently free, and I'm always surprised when I randomly connect to one.
Who knew the charge had such a good battery life.
I'll take a Millennium Falcon please.
Boy they sure know what sells.
I think the real sad thing here is there are probably a handful of people who tried to click it.
I agree, the American dream should now consist of 1 million people working in a compound where they work such long hours they try to kill themselves. Good point. /sarcasm
Because Symantec is the industry standard in not getting hacked,..... wait. never mind :) Plus most of those apps look like ridiculous fake porno apps, and anyone dumb enough to download an app like that for a lingerie picture that you could get a billion of by searching Google, is probably not even going to notice…
I wonder if these will be marekted as free wi-fi spots or as a service you have to pay for?
There was never a doubt in my mind.
Actually with LEGO's bankroll compared to the Minecraft folks, you never know, it might. I agree it's be redundantly stupid.
This is like a train wreck in slow motion, we all know it's going to end in a horrible outcome, but we have to wait a long time for it to happen.
This makes me want to punch someone, although I know it's true.
"Abromovich's cabin are both wrapped in armor plating and bullet proof windows. "
I guarantee you it's coming, SW, HP, Indiana Jones, PotC, every licensed theme they've had in the past 3 years has had a video game. And yes it will be awesome.
I can't believe I didn't know RIM was a Canadian company.
seconded, I'd rather pay more for a brand I know. Still if it's your cup of tea, $10 is a great deal.
Ahh, thanks for that. I thought I was completely out of the loop, looks like only a little.
Very true, I was generalizing based on myself and those around me. I still think the price hike was likely justified, doing it the way they did it was a mistake but regardless they did it.
So does he not have to pay rent in the office building?