Big Cam

Looks to be in tact from the picture? Maybe a picture of the scene of the crime?

I'm beginning to think it's a MidWest thing then, bridges go closed here for literally months.

I'm shocked that these are stills and not a video. I question how he gets shooting stars with still pictures, and not just the single capture but multiple captures of the same shooting star?

Wait, so I live in Fargo ND, and it's going to snow a ton and be really clold all Winter??? OMG I had no idea. Oh wait a minute, that's been every winter for the last 30 years of my life. Pheww turns out I'll be prepared after all.

I want this as well, but I can't justify the $500-600 price tag it will likely have, since I just got a Revolution about 5 months ago.

That is exactly how I feel, perfect.

I'd get a return on your funny sensor. It was just a joke, lumping the TSA into a group as a whole and since only the negatives are usually portrayed in the media, I was making a joke, that one good thing doesn't make up for all the negative things. I was not saying that this individual agent was a douchebag.

Fricking hilarious!!! I want to watch that actual movie now.

fuck me.

Why does this surprise anyone, he's the President.

That's impressive, in America that road would have been closed for at least 2 weeks, minimum. Damn that makes me want to move to England, they just get it.

One good deed does not make up for a lifetime of douchebaggery.

I ditched cable months ago, I can't wait for this to finally happen.

"But why the hell isn't Pottermore selling Harry Potter ebooks? They're blowing this, big time."

That makes me want to watch all of those episodes now.

Gotta give it to him for trying.

I can't believe how many pictures you took of a crappy looking piece of foam. All you did was enlarge the screen and make it the same size, I'm sorry but it looks stupid and really brings down the Giz name.