Big Cam

Why does this surprise anyone, he's the President.

That's impressive, in America that road would have been closed for at least 2 weeks, minimum. Damn that makes me want to move to England, they just get it.

One good deed does not make up for a lifetime of douchebaggery.

I ditched cable months ago, I can't wait for this to finally happen.

"But why the hell isn't Pottermore selling Harry Potter ebooks? They're blowing this, big time."

That makes me want to watch all of those episodes now.

Gotta give it to him for trying.

I can't believe how many pictures you took of a crappy looking piece of foam. All you did was enlarge the screen and make it the same size, I'm sorry but it looks stupid and really brings down the Giz name.

Then spending $10,000 (root) on the VW and making it as fast as a Porsche. Still way cheaper and more options.

And that's why it will succeed.

I'll take my $7.99 hulu plus subscription along with my $7.99 Netflix subscription and I'll continue farting in the general direction of cable/satellite companies.

They have lock's that you can open lock and unlock via text. They've been out a long time now.

I don't see why Craftsman needs to be involved at all? Sell us the opener with Wi-Fi and a GOOD app. All we should need is the ability to send a request via the APP and have it go to the internet, to router, to opener, and send the signal back. Idiot's and their services, this will fail.

I'm sure you'll be able to get it for $150 from amazon too, they always run ridiculous deals, and I bet they'll do it with their own product too.

They'll probably have a simulator online.

OMG, I want. I'd just have that spinning all the time.

That's simply EPIC, I love it, for once ignorant jerks get what they deserve. Anyone who thinks that's harmless deserves to get arrested.

I hope it was purposely unarmed and was supposed to just put a hole in a box and then do nothing in the water. Otherwise fail.