That was awesome
That was awesome
Very entertaining, but it appears that they only explained, what i already knew. The ratings are highly inaccurate because the people have to select to opt in to having the box installed. ratings FAIL
I'd bet anything he was high.
Wow, I did not see this coming bu it is welcome surprise from the crap we usually get dealt by them.
I want that to make it just for the looks, I love it!!
Mother Nature and her animals hate the internet.
What you are saying is of course very possible. I was more or less looking forward to the claims I've seen in the past of batteries that you can charge fully in a few minutes or maybe it was even seconds. Plus I always see articles even here about battery technology that is 5 years away that will last for days.
Someone made about a $30,000 bricklink order. I can't imagine how much this cost in raw brick prices.
Let me know when it can play modern warfare on it.
I love how this did not live up to the hype. Now update my Revolution to 2.3 dammit.
It's going to be awesome, I say in ten years we have phones that last a week and outperform anything we can even think of today. Of course we'll all hate them and think they are slow and be impatiently awaiting the iphone 15.
This would make my year if they actually pateneted the same technology as the Kinect, I could shove it in my friends face who works for Microsoft and is a hardcore fanboy, even though I don't personally care for Apple.
LOL, I will task my computer with that task, Holy Shit, this country is screwed.
I hear The Ozarks are nice this time of year.
DaltonAtlas the DreamCrusher. Thanks for knocking me back down to a reality where I cannot glow. One day.
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
OK, for someone who doesn't have an iphone and kind of dislikes them. That is super cool, and I am now officially jealous.
I would love to have the possible hand gestures explained, I bet the passengers would be like, what? I was just walking in a tiny cramped airplane.
That was a hilarious video