That's sad that he sold out like that.
That's sad that he sold out like that.
I will be doing the same from now on.
I can't wait until Google buys Hulu, turns it around and I can cancel my Netflix.
Ya, that's why I didn't reply. I can't edit it, so I may as well sit back and laugh at the comments.
Never, I swear by EYE POWER!!!!
Damn, you're video was much more impressive.
I'm curious how much that costs.
This is what plating God gets us.
I hate hot Dogs.
Wow, I left my passport and lots of cash in our safe in Mexico just last year, there was never anything missing, but I feel like I had a close call now.
That building is fantastic! i wonder why he needs it though, is it being built for the 3D editing of Star Wars? As much as I love Star Wars has GL done anything new in the past decade?
Well, i think it's a valid story, Jesus is just doing the reporting, it's the SW community in general who has their panties in a bundle.
That's not what I was getting at but regardless, you are 100% correct, it's everywhere and will be forever, no matter how much we educate and explain to the ignorant.
Very true, any camera would do, so would a tall ladder.
Ahhh, thank you!
Racism in Texas, why is anyone shocked.
I can't believe people are getting so up in arms about this. It's minor changes, does a 2 second change really ruin a 2+ hour movie? I'm a Star Wars Fan, and although I find it silly he's making this changes, it's not going to piss me off that he ruined history or something. Good grief,.
Very true, I wonder how they keep the lens side pointing down? A phone would be easier to throw and catch, but harder to keep the lens pointing down.
I'm pissed, I bought an energizer one in a home depot store because I absolutely needed it that day, and I spent $15, It's bright as hell, but I love a deal.
I love it, facebook is weeding out the incredibly dumb. natural selection at work!