Big Cam

I see no guns.

This is going to suck for New York, I'm interested to see how this plays out. It's like the day after tomorrow tomorrow.

This is kind of scary, even for a midwesterner like me, because if New York is obliterated by a hurricane, the whole country will feel it.

Did anyone notice the tie fighter attacking the street view guy?

I crown this man the biggest tool on the internet.

They are made by Michelin and are dubbed "Tweels". There is no plans for production currently.

I've got to say, I've never really been a Steve Job's fan, but after reading all these quotes, I feel as though I may have been a little closed minded about the guy.

"These are NOT beef jerky flavored potato chips." Dammit

As a big Star Wars fan, I must agree, as a novelty it's fun, practically it's not.

That's what I was thinking, I remember seeing these one day and suddenly they were gone and never talked about again.

I am super curious what the state of apple will be in 2 years.

You spelled FAIL wrong, but in any case, Google can certainly be the bad guy, but in this case I don't see them that way.

I hope Giz stays on this and posts the video of the opening, I for one am curious.

This is actually a very good point. This just makes sense. If the changes are so simple then why the hell doesn't Samsung do them, I love some bit's from the iphone but I love the differences that make android, android. Why not make android even more different, so there is an actual alternative, instead of a different

How fast can it make the Kessel run?

I find it hard to blame google here, blame the dumbass that left the data unsecured.

Don't complain when you die in a fire.

I'm sure it's standard protocol in case it needs to go get the president at any moment. Seems like a good idea to me.