
Spoiled for choice

“This club has everything—bingo, bears, levitation, funeral pyres, a game worryingly called ‘skin the fool,’ Dan Cortese . . .”

As much as I hate to say it, this looks like a set up. We all know that Alex Jones only gets hard when the kids are dead.

A Brief History of Seven Killings is one of my all time favorite books—and I read a ton. I may be a bit biased because I had a more personal connection to it due to having roots in Jamaica, but it is a fantastically written and developed novel.

Just watched it, and my life has been changed forever. I now realize that bands named after geographic locations really do suck! (Praise Be, Oderous!)

Finally, a film that asks the question, “If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?”

None of this sounds like a problem that a giant bag of weed won’t solve.

*Natalie Merchant angrily tweets Mazzy Star’s home addresses*

I liked this better when it starred Nicholas Cage and featured torture by honeybees.  

So, you’re saying is True Blood was better before Meloni and wasn’t “better now” Post Meloni?

It’s the intelligence that makes the so delicious.

Yet another reason to hate Illinois Nazis.

If there really is bipartisan support for this, then why isn’t it happening? The reason should be obvious but apparently isn’t. You can’t just mandate lower prices for an industry. Capitalism doesn’t work that way and no matter what your personal opinion of capitalism it’s not going away any time soon.  So we have to

“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”

I could see myself replacing my Baja with this

I don’t think it’s the hipster who aren’t vaccinating.  

How to tell when your bread dough has risen:

Something something 45 insulting Sen Ted Cruz’ dad.

Nary a mention of Kool Keith, AKA Dr Octagon, AKA Dr Doom, AKA CRazy Lou, AKA Tashan Dorsett, AKA Black Elvis?