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In the 1960s, the U.S. put a man on the moon.

Yeah, it’s going to come out that more than just these two clowns were involved. Probably a whole frat was going to lose big money and they chose to sacrifice a couple of pawns. Really, really dumb pawns.

Having money invested in GS, Oaktree, Blackstone etc. is likely not a conscious decision but a result of ignorance or indifference. If the organization had a checking account with Wells Fargo, would you go hard at LA84 for purposefully empowering Wells Fargo’s predatory banking practices on underserved communities

The city is bracing not only for an Olympics in 2028; there’s a World Cup in 2026, a Super Bowl in 2022, an MLB All-Star Game in 2020, and a College Football Semifinals in 2021 and Finals in 2023. With these impending events comes a whole wave of real estate speculation spanning downtown, South Central, Inglewood,

I was in the greys though, so no one saw my genius.

Was probably distracted by the socks. I know I was.

Scherzer pitches 4 straight lights out starts before going literal supernova on the mound and burning the rubber to ash.

I could see Dallas taking a grab at Mariota after this season for peanuts if they don’t blindly sign Dak Prescott to a crazy ass extension.

We are Christians here; we believe in forgiveness. Well, I mean, apart from the hateful atheists who want to increase spending on public education, allow weirdos and queers to pee next to my daughter, try to prevent teen pregnancy, and stop cops murdering black and brown people, among other things. Other than that,

The product is worthwhile-

We’ve been hearing for years that “opening up consumerism and chinese markets will naturally spread democratic ideals” as some neoliberal horseshit.

Keep in mind, as the reporter says, the Chinese government doesn’t allow protests.

Guy “Whitey” Corngood

As a Lions fan you can only see this shit play out so many times before you start to question why you bother to watch NFL football at all.

Anyone who says they do the crossword after Wednesday is a liar.

“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”

Fair. But there’s really no need to reach back that far in modern history. 1989 Tiananmen Square was only 30 years ago. That’s what Hong Kong will soon resemble.

It’s just realistic. Regardless of your self righteous opinion, I’m really tired of people pretending as if this would have zero consequences on people’s lives.

Craven capitulation to money I can understand. It’s gross but careers are short, whatever. But this is craven capitulation to the bullies in the Chinese government who are so shit-scared of what’s happening in Hong Kong that they’ve mobilized their worldwide army of ass lickers in support of their temper tantrum.

Kind of a reverse prisoner’s dilemma. If they all do it, they’ll all be OK. But no one wants to be the first.