
*checks Facebook feed*


How, exactly, can one claim that they are releasing a game “exclusively” on one platform, when the game is already out on a different platform? The idiocy is palpable.

I’d love a new Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk but the only thing that keeps me away is the reliability and build quality. If whoever buys them fixes that issue, I will consider them. If they can put more modern and efficient drive trains in them as well, they’d probably be my next purchase.

Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.

Neutral: Who’s It Going To Be For FCA?

By 2100, there won’t be any traditional hammers for sale; they are just too dumb. If you accidentally aim that hammer at your thumb instead of the nail, that bloody stupid thing will smash your thumb! So all the new hammers will have a variety of safety features built in: young children lock out, HUI prevention,

That and basically making a statement that reflects where Ford currently is and stands in terms of prospects for having an automated car. The more I read it the more I think it is the least interesting thing I’ve seen all week and I work for the government.

I was thinking that too... Isn’t he just saying “It is, and it isn’t” in so many words?

Of course Ford would say that. There’s literally no other answer he can give to that question. This is neither unexpected nor interesting.

This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

100%. Shit, you can buy a motorcycle that goes 180+ mph and ride it in a dago-tee, flip-flops and $5 sunglasses, but you MUST have a seatbelt on in a 4000 lb metal structure with 12 airbags and a top speed of 112. Sounds like legislation to save insurance companies money from large hospital bills and has little to do

4th Gear: Just Buckle Your Seat Belts Without Someone Making You

Fuck people. Roadkill 4eva. That is all.

So on one hand, you’ve got this guy in a smart car pulling a uey across an extra lane, then (as far as I can tell) crossing back over the to far left with no turn signal and way too slowly - shame.

On the other, much larger hand, this dumb dumb cop was going way too fast without sirens. You have sirens, fucking use

Do yourself a favor and get a fuel lift pressure gauge on it. The lift pumps shit out with alarming regularity and they almost always take out the VP44 injection pump when it happens. 1300 down the toilet every time.

What. Thee. Thy. Fuck. I’m now questioning life. But still, like I say in many of my comments, better than half of today’s Jeep crossovers.