
I actually preferred the 200C I got as a loaner a few months later.

They want upscale with a badge that says minimalist. It’s the same as the people who buy Trucks. Those buyers want the luxury of a King Ranch while still being able to say it is capable of being a work truck. They want the appearance of rugged but wouldn’t be caught dead actually doing anything rugged with it. They

That’s cuz you guys gotta turn off Eco mode! Duh! /s

They come in multiple flavors, not just the 3.5TT.

Shareholders do best when profits are highest

But think of the SHAREHOLDERS!

I understand this reference!

Sports are literally games man, sorry to burst your bubbs

You are a heathen in the eyes of the almighty one.

The father, son, and the holy paul walker

Oh, I don’t think they should. I was just throwing out ideas for what they might want to fight for lol

A Higher percentage of the ride fare, assured hours/income even if they have no rides, benefits. Just my guesses.

1) That was a prop car in F&F4, not 2F2F.

2) There are always multiple physical cars that look identical in movies like this...many are props, but the hero cars are often real.

3) You are still a HEATHEN!

But GM is boring! I’d rather throw my few hundred bucks at Tesla because it’s hip and then I can say I own Tesla stock! /s

Which one is better? Obviously the lower chance at way more money.

Wherrrrrres the GUAC?!

Wherrrrrres the GUAC?!

Gonna be the guy who says I love all of the movies. Especially the first (it got me into cars/ where I am today), but my favorite part is that they happen out of sequence. Also, most people probably don’t know that there are two short films which fill in gaps in the story line. The prelude to 2F2F and Los Bandeleros


Bolts to the hubs so traction isn’t a problemo

....Do you use a popcorn popper too?

And that’s about the same time Hybrid All the Things will start hitting dealer floors. That or all-electrics. Outside of performance vehicles, cars are dead af.