Benjamin Eugene NElson

I doubt that Aku even knows about his "daughters."

Exactly. Well said.

Was he?

That is always a good sign!

Except when you're indoctrinated from birth, literally, that the Samurai must die and that even death is failure you really don't.

Did Aku even have anything to do with the Daughters?

I like that he obviously regretted what he had to do in self defense. Jack is not, despite what the sisters would tell you, a monster. Even as he brutally killed…

Was it not a metaphor though? A metaphor for Jack himself?

Reminded me of the duel with the bounty hunters that happened in a single raindrop.

A wolf is going to die without his pack.. they can't hunt effectively.

I know what that means and I'm tempted to agree.. :P

It's funny, it's almost like you didn't realize this was posted on April first.

Nicki Maanj fan I take it? Or however you spell the goofy oompa loompa's name?

World's coolest grandma? Am I missing something?

And I wasn't expecting a non-flippant and reasonable answer considering I was mostly being sarcastic…

Well I would have liked to actually SEE some of this analysis instead of just hearing about it..

And so why are they rebooting it again?
